On this special edition of THE INTERVUE, we are here at the Celebration of Service to America Awards at Anthem in Washington DC, honoring the best in television and radio stations commitment to their communities. And if you remember this man in the picture above from NBC’s The Voice, then you know the powerful vocals he has and he is here ready to perform.
Let us welcome, Nelson Cade III!
How are you doing tonight?
I am doing well. I’m excited to be here.
I know you’re excited especially you got the red suit on. I love it!
Red has been an interesting color in my life. I started off loving blue. And then right now my favorite’s purple. Red is like the bridge that gets there. But right now, I’m feeling this. So, thank you!
Absolutely. So, tell us what are you going to be doing here?
So, tonight is my first national anthem performance. I have never gotten to dance with the national anthem herself before. I spent the last month or so preparing something that wasn’t the same traditional thing. But at the same time, the national anthem is important. It is important work of art. And there is a very respectful way to go about dancing with her. You know, I look at it as a dance like, it’s one of those things where you’re in a ballroom and you go from one partner to the next, and everybody gets a ton to dance with the end. But do you want to do the same one or two stuff that everybody does? Or do you want to be a little memorable like that Jimi Hendrix thing, it wasn’t too much. But it was we all remember it
Now we had Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock but who can’t forget the Marvin Gaye classic of 1983, that soulful rendition, or the Whitney Houston performance in Super Bowl XXV? I never asked this question. How does one prep to do a complicated song like our national anthem?
I can’t speak to how everybody does it. My approach was one of, I would say, raw inspiration. I mean, you first start off with doing it the traditional way. From there, you make sure that you do it well. You do it accurately, and then you start approaching how you want to change it. Where do you want to change it? If you have the regular way? Then you’re coming from the best kind of ground routes. And when I was practicing it, it’s not so much for thought as it is, “how are you feeling?” And “how vulnerable are you willing to demonstrate those feelings?” So, I think that after practicing and practicing, it changed so much that I finally found that balance, okay, I am comfortable with changing this, this, this, this, and this, and I don’t think I need to do anything more like it’s fragile. It’s good. This is it…. feels balanced right now.
Absolutely. So, after doing this wonderful event, what is next for you?
Home next. This month is the biggest month of my life so far in terms of gigs and events, I couldn’t even tell you the actual names of half of the events. I know that I’m gonna have one week where I’m performing at another award show in Phoenix. I don’t even get to go back to the hotel from the venue.
I have to get back into the car, go to the airport because I need to be performing for it is a Grand Prix for yachts in Chicago.
As soon as I get home, I’m on the road to I believe somewhere in DC again. But yes, it’s a lot of moving and I’m not complaining at all. I have paid so many dues diligently and happily might I add to get to this position. Now that it’s happening. It feels like a dream come true. So, listen, like I’m happy to interview you again.
Since you are coming back to my hometown, we’re gonna talk about your upcoming tour.
It is just funny how tours happen like so far, it’s been a series of unrelated different events, but I’ve done tours in the past. I’m absolutely looking at doing tours again in the future. I have one album ready to go at any time. Next month. I will be working on the second one. I have about thirteen songs in the works. I have a lot of stuff to play with. This is one of those like old school things. We are just going to make music!
Right now, I have two songs that are on all the streaming platforms if you were to search my name, Nelson Cade III, you can find my song “Freedom” or my song “Point B” on Apple Music, Spotify, iTunes, and if you want to be a SUPERFAN, I do have one song it’s not released. It is on Netflix’s “Love is Blind.” It’s a song that I wrote with my little sister (CeeCee’s song). It’s in the background of the season four finale (Season 4 Episode 12).
Well, Nelson, I know you’re going to kill it with the national anthem later tonight, and I can’t wait see when you come back to DC.
Thank you so much!

You can follow Nelson at the following
- Website: nelson cade III
- Facebook: nelson.cadeiii.3
- Instagram: @nelsoncade3