A battle rages in the post-apocalyptic future in the new film “Divergent.” This futuristic story is told with the aid of artists such as Ellie Goulding, Pia Mia and Kendrick Lamar. With a combination of pop, rap and indie rock, this soundtrack is energetic and will thrill the home and theater audiences. Get ready, ladies and gentlemen. You are in for one heck of a party.
The best thing about this soundtrack is the musical variety. From Skrillex and KillaGraham ft. Sam Dew’s “Strangers” to Tame Impala ft.Kendrick Lamar’s “Backwards,” you may find yourself turning up the volume as loud as possible and rapping along with the music. “Backwards” will especially appeal to the Kendrick Lamar fans, as well as introduce everyone to Tame Impala’s unique sound. While the soundtrack is absolutely electrifying and dazzling, there’s also the more subdued and slow sounds. For example, M83’s “I Need You” and Ellie Goulding’s “Beating Heart” are beautiful and romantic themes. These distinctive musical choices make this an interesting album to listen to and may appeal to many listeners. For an album to do just that is truly extraordinary and it makes an album worth listening to.
While listening to this soundtrack, I found it extremely difficult to find any low points. Each song on this track has an element of excitement that will mesmerize the listeners. When you have a soundtrack with such a variety of artists and musical styles, you are going to find at least one song that stands out to you. If you play this soundtrack at a party, you are guaranteed an awesome evening. Fans of the rap and techno genres will love “Stranger” and “Backwards” and both songs would be perfect for an underground party.
What makes this album fun is the unique sound of each song. You start to look forward to the next song with high anticipation to see if it can top what you just heard. It’s not hard to imagine why these songs were chosen for this soundtrack; they are absolutely entertaining and awesome choices for this album.
Final Grade: A