One film at this year’s G.I. Film Festival aims to do more than entertain. It aims to save lives.
‘Her Unlikely Kin,’ a short film directed by Kenneth J. Raimondi, screens May 28th at 12:30 pm during the Social Repercussions of War film block. It tells the story of two strangers, who by rare genetic chance, can offer each other new life. In the film, teenager Sarah Rassi is running out of options. She needs a bone marrow transplant and her only match on the registry is troubled war veteran, Peyton Sinclair, who is struggling to overcome his own battles with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Raimondi, a military veteran and bone marrow recipient, hopes the film will help clear misconceptions about bone marrow donations and encourage more people to join the national bone marrow registry.
“The film sheds light on what giving to another human being can do,” Raimondi said. “It showcases how two strangers, who match on a molecular level, hold the power to change each other’s lives.”
To view the teaser for the film, visit https://vimeo.com/140720728.
For more information visit http://www.herunlikelykin.com.
On social media: https://twitter.com/HerUnlikelyKin or https://www.facebook.com/ herunlikelykin
For tickets, visit https://gifilmfestival.ticketspice.com/giffxpasses