0 3 min 11 yrs
photo: Courtesy of Wolf Trap
photo: Courtesy of Wolf Trap

Concert Revue by Alan Duckworth

It’s flamenco night at Wolf Trap! Soledad Barrio along with Martin Santangelo presented Noche Flamenca, a National Endowment for the Arts Award winning program. It featured a standout cast of singers, dancers and musicians sharing with us this beautiful art form.

Producer Martin Santangelo started by expressing his deepest sympathy in regards to the recent passing of Robin Williams. Martin stated, “We lost a wonderful clown.” He placed a rose on stage and pointed to the sky, dedicating the performance in his honor. A song added in dedication to Robin Williams was a solo performed by cantaor Manuel Gago. I wasn’t familiar with the song but the lyrics roughly translated: “Making people happy but you’re hurting inside.” It was a traditional flamenco dedication to a clown. The cantaores wore all black.

photo: Courtesy of Wolf Trap
photo: Courtesy of Wolf Trap

For “Nuestro Son” the Company’s star Soledad Barrio made her first appearance. Her flame colored dress was a contrast to the dark stage. She glowed radiantly in the spot light. The dancing was elegant but at the same time exciting. Ms. Barrio raised her skirt and displayed some impressive foot work.

Flamenco guitar has always been a favorite of mine. It has such a romantic and stylish sound and its execution is incredibly technical. For “Solo de Guitarra” it featured guitarist Salva de Maria and Eugenio Iglesias. The two soloists shared the stage. The intricate solos were a pleasure, the finger plucking was precise and the rhythm was alluring.

Flamenco is in part a narrative expressing love and I have always liked the rhythm. There’s no form of dance I can think of that’s more rhythmic! I anticipated dance solos in the same manner I would anticipate a guitar solo: with excitement! This is what it felt like when Juan Ogalla took to the stage. He intently stared down the audience as he rapidly clicked his heels. The audience gasped at the dance moves, shouting with enthusiasm.

Noche Flamenca was a night of compassion and love for flamenco. It was a special presentation considering the tragic circumstances. The dancing, singing and guitar playing were brilliant! It left an artistic impression that exuded respect and culture and was truly a fun night full of astonishing entertainment.

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