With the evening been approached the stars were out in more ways than one. The stage shined bright with talent and the glare of the brass instruments and shiny finish given off by the cellos and violins. A program of epic proportions is on the horizon.
Sergei Prokofiev’s Suite from the film Lieutenant Kije Op.60, Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 3 in C Major, Op. 26 and Alexander Nevsky Cantata, Op. 78. So get comfortable and be prepared to applaud and give many ovations.
The first scores Suite from the film Lieutenant Kije sounded outstanding. Military style drum rolls with the violins plucking their strings in unison with a beautiful harp solo. I always enjoyed Russian composures. They seem to be more up tempo and interesting. What was
really up tempo was the Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 3 in C Major, Op. 26 and who to play this intricate masterpiece non other than Brian Ganz. This was remarkable the whole score was like an intense piano solo played along simultaneously with the orchestra. It was so lively and Brian Ganz played the complete number without any sheet music which is extraordinary considering its intricacies. Victoria Gau meanwhile conducted this portion enthusiastically and with perspective. It was truly exceptional Brian Ganz played with so much enthusiasm it was definitely a highlight of the evening.
After a brief intermission it was time for Alexander Nevsky Cantata, Op. 78. As we awaited the National Philharmonic Chorale started filing in to the balconies behind the stage. By the time they were done the sheer number of members was almost intimidating. I knew that the sound they would create would be astonishing and it was. The chorale was magnificent they made it feel like we were a part of the movement. This was also the triumphant portion of the concert and where the horned instruments really shined. They bellowed loudly adding excitement while the woodwind and stringed instruments answered harmoniously. It was during all this organized chaos an elegant Magdalena Wor made her presence entering stage left. She slowly and gracefully made her way towards the center of the stage. She sung passionately every facial expression filled with emotion. I was awe struck trying to hold back the tears but was unsuccessful. Magdalena sang loudly as well and she didn’t even have a microphone. To get that loud of a sound with no microphone, I was flabbergasted. This was truly an amazing performance.
This was a special performance but anytime you have The National Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorale it is a performance you are going to want to see. I’m stopping short but putting this up there as one of the most amazing concerts I have ever seen. There is no way you can experience this type of performance without being impressed. You will just have to see it for yourself.