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Come to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor to experience the Baltimore Comic-Con’s inaugural 3-day event on Friday-Sunday, September 5-7, 2014 at the Baltimore Convention Center! Returning to our show in 2014 are titans and veterans of industry Paul Levitz, Laura Martin, Brian Stelfreeze, and Karl Story!



Paul Levitz has been a mainstay at DC Comics since 1972, serving as a writer, editor, and President (2002 – 2009) over the tenure of his career. His name is synonymous with the Legion of Super-Heroes, which he wrote from 1977-1979 and 1981-1989, and he created such notable characters as the Stalker, the Earth-2 Huntress, and Lucien the Librarian. Levitz has since returned to writing the Legion of Super-Heroes for the New 52, as well as the Earth-2 centric book, World’s Finest. Earlier this year, Levitz moved onto the next phase of his career, accepting a Board of Directors position with BOOM! Studios.


Laura Martin is one of the comics industry’s most lauded colorists. Recipient of Harvey, Eisner, Eagle, Squiddy, and Comics Buyer’s Guide Awards, Martin is regularly assigned high-profile and event-oriented comics on which to bring her palate to bear. Her work can be found in DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, Virgin, and CrossGen comics through the years, and she is lately working on Dark Horse’s Serenity: Leaves of the Wind, Valiant’s Armor Hunters, and Marvel’s Uncanny Avengers.


Brian Stelfreeze, one of the original Gaijin Studios members, is a multi-talented artist, with experience and credits penciling, inking, coloring, painting, and even writing. His comic book covers have gained him much attention and lauding, and his run painting covers on DC Comics’ Shadow of the Bat for over 50 issues is noteworthy by itself. Brian’s creative output is found these days on BOOM! Studios’ Day Men and an upcoming DC Comics Batman variant.


Also one of the original members of Gaijin Studios, Karl Story’s inks have graced the pages of titles such as DC’s Action ComicsNightwing, Batman ’66, Legends of the Dark Knight, Ocean, and The American Way, as well as Marvel’s X-Men and Dark Horse’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 among many, many others. You can find his recent work in DC’s The Multiversity: The Society of Super-Heroes: Conquerors of the Counter-World and Dark Horse’s Serenity: Leaves of the Wind.

“It’s so great to have such high-profile guests come back to our show,” said Marc Nathan, promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. “From creative forces in the DC Universe to extremely accomplished artists, these four are friends of the show who we’re thrilled to welcome back, and we know their fans will be elated to see them!”

The Baltimore Comic-Con will be held Friday, September 5 through Sunday, September 7, 2014, at the Baltimore Convention Center, which is located immediately across the street from the historic Camden Yards sports complex (which includes Oriole Park and Geppi’s Entertainment Museum). Tickets, a full guest roster, and additional information is available on the convention’s website.


General Admission and VIP Package tickets for Weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are now on sale! Visit www.baltimorecomiccon.com/tickets/ for more information and to purchase your advanced tickets now!

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