Dragon Con is one of the most unique conventions in the United States as it is truly run by the fans for the fans. Everyone who makes the trek to downtown Atlanta is there to celebrate and connect with others who share their nerdy, geeky, and pop culture passions. The annual charity and blood donation drive is no different. Dragon Con volunteers and attendees thought up very creative ways to help raise money and support over the five day weekend. Over 70,000 attendees raised more than $200,000 in total for its official 2023 charity, CURE Childhood Cancer.
CURE Childhood Cancer is dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through funding targeted research while supporting patients and their families. They provide essential needs from meals and counseling to financial assistance to families throughout their cancer journey. CURE also works to accelerate pediatric cancer research. Check out their website for more details!.
Pins, pieces of art, and other specialty items were available for donations. DVDs, toys, games, and more pop culture items were donated for a charity auction. Attendees could even challenge a Jawa to a challenging game of chess!

Fun signs and magnificent cosplays encouraged people to donate blood for the 20th annual Robert A. Heinlein “Pay It Forward” blood drive. The Dragon Con Parade even had a dedicated group walking with the Lifesouth Community Blood Centers. And throughout the entire weekend more than 3,700 people waited in line to donate life saving blood, resulting in about 10,000 blood components. Check out their website for more details!