0 3 min 5 yrs

The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) applauds the court order reinstating the White House press credential of CNN’s Jim Acosta . Federal Judge Timothy J. Kelly issued a temporary restraining order prompting the immediate reinstatement while other issues are determined in subsequent litigation. CNN reacted favorably to what is at least a temporary victory.

NABJ leadership said its members should not be deterred from asking anyone, including President Donald Trump, the tough and relevant questions, and supports other journalists in their efforts.

Acosta’s press pass to access the White House was suspended “until further notice” after he engaged in a contentious back-and-forth with President Trump last week during a press conference.

Immediately following the suspension, NABJ issued a statement of support of the journalist. Acknowledging the waste of time and resources to focus on an action that shouldn’t have taken place, NABJ President Sarah Glover sent a strong message to the president.

“We won’t be silent, when the very foundation and principles of our industry are under assault,” Glover said. “This continuous attack against media companies, along with the personal attacks against journalists, is reprehensible and should be widely denounced.”

According to NABJ Vice President of Broadcast Dorothy Tucker, journalists’ constitutional rights are taken seriously and NABJ’s esteemed journalists will not retreat from exercising those rights.

“President Trump’s verbal assaults on journalists, especially the recent attacks on three black female reporters, are unacceptable,” she said. “Journalists will continue to use an arsenal of investigative tools to do their job of finding and reporting the truth on important issues. The president’s actions will only further intensify the resolve of all journalists to find the truth and hold the powerful accountable.”

NABJ encourages all journalists to continue their diligence in the gathering and reporting of information to help provide context to issues and to uncover the truth.

“While the ruling is an initial victory; journalists must remain vigilant, with or without the credentials,” added Glover. “We are professional journalists and we know that, while helpful, we don’t need White House credentials to cultivate credible sources inside and outside of the administration or any entity.”

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