Caroline Paquita (b. 1980) is a Brooklyn-based artist, zinester and founder of Pegacorn Press. Her first self-published zine, Brazen Hussy, used xerography like other punk zines of the 1990s, but it already shows evidence of Paquita’s distinctive aesthetic, which features strong line work. Paquita’s recent work has focused on envisioning “Womanimals”—half-woman/half-
National Museum of Women in the Arts
Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center
1250 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20005
November 16, 2015–May 13, 2016, in the Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center
Open Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. and 1–5 p.m.
Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for visitors 65 and over and students, and free for NMWA members and youths 18 and under.