New York is known as “the city of dreams” and it was certainly the place where dreams came true for indie band The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. The New York-based band formed in 2007 and released their self-titled EP that same year and two years later, their self-titled album was released. While the lineup of the band has changed, their passion for their music has remained. Now they have released a new EP called “Hell” and it is far from hellacious. Don’t let the title fool you; this is an album you are going to have fun with.
Given that the EP and title track are called Hell, I initially expected to hear something dark and gloomy. This track is the complete opposite. Hell is an upbeat and fun pop track that I caught myself dancing to. Contrary to the title, this actually has a happier and sunny sound. The awesome sounds just keep on coming. The steady drums and guitar make the track a song that is perfect to dance to. “Ballad of the Band” is up-tempo, but now has a mix of pop and country. Unlike Hell, this song is a little mellow and relaxed, but it is one we can all dance to, but enjoy on a peaceful day as well.
Now we have come to the end of this wonderful EP with the powerful track Laid. This track has every ounce of rock in it. The guitars and rapid drum beats give this song its vibrant energy and are something the fans will dance to.
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart’s EP Hell contains three songs, but those three songs were all I needed to hear to know we have a hit on our hands. Each song has something that makes them spectacular and I am happy I had a chance to listen to all of them. From the sound of energetic pop rock (Hell) to the mellowed and smooth sounds of pop, country and rock and roll (“Ballad of the Band”, “Laid”), the Hell EP is definitely something that the fans are going to enjoy.
Final Grade: A