Legendary comedians Paul Mooney and Dick Gregory will deliver the laughs Saturday, February 11th at Howard Theatre!
Showtime @ 8:00 PM – Doors open @ 6:00 PM – Tickets $49.50 – $89.50
Mooney’s first professional gig in comedy was with Richard Pryor. He wrote most of the hilarious routines for Pryor’s Saturday Night Live appearance, co-wrote material on the groundbreaking Live On Sunset, Bicentennial Nigger, and Is It Something I Said albums, as well as Pryor’s film Jo Jo Dancer. As head writer for the Richard Pryor show, he was responsible for the national television debuts of Robin Williams, Sandra Bernhard, Marsha Warfield, John Witherspoon, and Tim Reid. As head writer during the first year of FOX’s In Living Color, also debuting the young Jim Carey, he also created the characters Homey the Clown, and the brothers Tom and Tom, to name a few. He co-starred with Damon Wayans and Jada Pinkett-Smith in the Spike Lee film Bamboozled.
Paul Mooney came into his own with his controversial debut album Race & Masterpiece continues to stir anger, laughter, and thought. His latest DVD’s, Analyzing White America, Know Your History, It’s the End of the World and his latest release currently on Showtime, The Godfather of Comedy, Mr. Paul Mooney. “I always drop history” he explains “It’s knowledge; There’s always a message in my comedy and you may not get it that night – it’s like time bombs. It’ll get you a week later. You’ll understand.”
An activist, philosopher, anti-drug cruasder, comedian, author, actor, recording artist, and nutritionist, Dick Gregory was on the frontline in the ’60s during the Civil Rights era. Today he continues to be a “drum major for justice and equality.”
Although Gregory’s steadfast commitment has limited his opportunities to perform, he’s still found ways to share his powerful and often comedic message with audiences across the country. In 1996, he took the stage stage with his critically acclaimed one-man show, Dick Gregory Live! The reviews of the show compared him to the greatest stand-ups in the history of Broadway. In 1998, he also spoke at the celebration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., prompting President Clinton to declare: “I love Dick Gregory, he is one of the funniest people on the planet.” Although Gregory announced in 2001 that he had been diagnosed with lymphoma, he was able to battle the cancer into remission with a regimen of diet, vitamins, and exercise, spreading awareness of the fact that cancer is indeed curable. The new millennium has found Gregory continuing to write, perform, and shape public opinion. “I’ve lived long enough to need two autobiographies, which is fine with me,” he laughs. “I’m looking forward to writing the third and fourth volumes as well.”
VIP Reserved Booths on Floor
• $89.50 per Ticket – Must Buy Entire Booth
• Booth for 4 = $358
General Admission – Fully Seated
• $49.50 Advance / $55 Day of Show
• First Come, First Seated
• Full Dinner Menu Available
• $10 Minimum Per Person, For All Tables
• All Ages
• Premium Valet Parking Tickets Available on Ticketmaster.com