As the DIA gets closer to the siblings, Arthur starts pulling out all the stops to give them time, Vega rethinks working with Dash, and Blake has a crisis of conscience…
Arthur has a whole lot of pull, a lot more than I would have ever given him credit for. While he might not have been able to completely stop Blomfield, but he was able to put a serious kink in his plans to find the precogs and use them. The worst part is that I think that using the precogs to stop crime might not be an entirely bad thing, but it would have to be completely rethought.

Pre-Crime forced the siblings into what was basically a slave type arrangement and people were arrested for crimes that they hadn’t committed and that they might not even commit. The whole idea behind Pre-Crime was that peoples fate was immutable and that what the siblings saw would happen no matter what. If however, the precogs were used in such a way that the information would be used in the same way we would use CI tips now (or the way Vega has been using what Dash sees), as evidence that could be used to build a case from people voluntarily working with the police, I think it would end up being much less objectionable and the police could probably get the siblings cooperation.
What the sibling seem to fear the most is that they will be forced back into the milk baths and lose themselves again. They don’t trust the people in charge because they don’t trust that they will have a choice. What makes Vega different is that she is willing to meet Dash where he is and work with him as an actual person. And that is also what makes Dash working with her different from what happened before.

Sadly, Blake doesn’t seem to see any of this. He is so bound by the letter of the law the he doesn’t see that this is one of those grey areas. He sees Dash and Vega working together and immediately leaps to Pre-Crime, which is now illegal. However, since Vega is using what Dash gives her in a very different way than Pre-Crime did, it makes the whole thing into a completely different creature. While it is technically outside of the law, it is not comparable to what Pre-Crime did before.
I find it hard to blame Agatha and Arthur for how they are reacting to the whole situation. Neither of them has worked with Vega enough to see that she is different. Then you also have the fact that Blomfield is out there and he is trying to shove them back into what they had been released from, which makes any sort of trust hard on them. I wonder if they would be willing to do what I propose and work with the police the way Vega is if they could be assured that they would not be shoved back in the milk bath.
I didn’t know Stark could sing that well. That karaoke was quite good. Color me impressed.
Next week, the season (and probably series) finale…