In the 1990’s, it was not unusual for a teenager to create a mix tape of songs recorded off of the radio, CDs and cassette tapes. The mix tape concept has made its grand return with the soundtrack to the film “Guardians of the Galaxy”, interestingly titled “Awesome Mix Volume 1”. I must admit, this is truly an awesome soundtrack. As a fan of music from the 1960’s and 1970’s, I was having a ball listening to each and every track. So now, ladies and gentlemen, don those bellbottoms and platform shoes and break out the disco ball. It’s time to groove to these awesome melodies.
These amazing tracks are perfect to listen to, no matter what generation you’re a part of. Each song proves to be extremely fun and colorful and should be replayed repeatedly. Songs such as David Bowie’s “Moonage Daydream”, Rupert Holmes’ “Escape (The Pina Colada Song)”, Redbone’s “Come and Get Your Love” and Blue Swede’s “Hooked on a Feeling” are examples of upbeat and bubbly songs. For those who were dancing to these songs when they were first released, this will be a wonderful trip down memory lane. This soundtrack is perfect for Motown fans, as they will be thrilled to hear the soulful sounds of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell’s rendition of “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and The Jackson Five’s “I Want You Back”.
Every track on this album will have you rocking in your seat and doing the Hustle in the middle of the floor. This soundtrack will attract new fans of these classic hits and will help them gain an appreciation of such outstanding and brilliant sounds.
“Guardians of the Galaxy-Awesome Mix, Volume 1” is truly a fun soundtrack and will bring a smile to your face. From The Five Stairsteps to David Bowie, you will have the most fun you have ever had and may find yourself singing along to your favorite tunes and reminiscing to the days when you saw these artists live in concert. With such a musical variety, the audience is in for the greatest jam session of a lifetime.
Final Grade: A+