On this edition, TRR Reporter Mi Lin interviewed the sensational Silver Medalist Olympian Jordan Chiles to discuss her excitement of celebrating Halloween in the nation’s capital at Capitol One Arena, attending UCLA, for musicians like Normani and Khalid, beauty curly hair tips, and special shout outs to her family as well as our military communities.
Thank you so much. I’m so excited to finally be able to talk to you. First of all…”USA USA!!!” I feel like you can be my little sister. Honestly, a little background, I was actually a military kid and I did gymnastics in Belgium and to be able to see someone such as yourself and Simone killing it, is just so inspiring especially what happened around the world with the pandemic. I mean mental health is so important and this interview will be kind of catered to inspire other military kids who kind of look up to you guys and be able to buy your tickets because it is kinda of like a pop concert but with tricks and flips and so inspiring that you are actually going to go to UCLA which is one of my dream schools. How’s the GOAT tour coming along? Are you loving every minute of it? Having a “pinch me” moment?
It’s been amazing honestly. It’s been so crazy that I’m just so excited that I am able to inspire others while I’m doing something that I love as well so being on this tour is definitely an experience like you said…”YES, get your tickets!!” It’s a lot of fun, a lot of energy. It’s a tour you’ll never forget and it’s something that a lot of people came together to put together to make sure people get inspired through the whole thing. So it’s been pretty cool… I’m honestly losing track of days here and there, but we’re pushing through we’re getting through it. So it’s been a lot of fun.
Yeah, so I noticed that back in 2018, you were a bronze medalist at Stuggart… that’s one of our military bases out there. What are some of the highlights in Stuggart?
Stuggart was an amazing experience. That was kinda of the time period of when I switching coaches… so I was just really excited to try something new with my coach and I was so happy I made that assignment. Because I never done any major assignments besides Italy at that time. Because I suppose to go to Belgium but something happened there. It was just a lot of things that permitted me to go to assignments, but Stuggart is amazing! Definitely the culture out there is really nice, the food was amazing. I love Germany in general. So I would definitely go back out there. I went around the snow time so it was kinda of cold, but it was a really cool experience I won’t forget.
And speaking of switching coaches, how vital was it having your best friend, Simone… that mentorship and taking that leap of faith to Texas? What can you speak upon that?
You know change happens for a reason. Obviously, when things don’t go how things are supposed to go… obviously, it’s meant for you to do something about it. And that’s how it happened to me. I don’t know how to explain what type of coaches I had in the past… but she verbally abused me like mentally draining. It’s bad….mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Was it kinda of like what we say in the military… kind of like a “drill sergeant scenario” where they were barking orders, very toxic-like breaking you down to try to rebuild you up, but you always had talents?
Yeah it’s kinda of like that. YES, actually!!! It took me awhile in Texas to let myself go because what happened in the past while I was there the first few months. It was really hard for me. The past three years have been amazing… being teammates with Simone is amazing. I never thought of being teammates…best friend to a now 2-time Olympian.
For tickets to the Gold Over America Tour click here – it’s a fantastic family friendly event!!! Don’t miss it before it sells out in a city near you!