0 4 min 3 yrs

On Friday, November 5, 2021, the Washington, DC area and the rest of the world were mourning the loss of the incredible General Colin Powell…however once the sun went down, I needed a little bit of cheering up and so I booked the 7:30 pm DC Comedy Loft Michael Yo Show featuring the hilarious southerner Derrick Stroup and hosted by newcomer Luis Alvarez.

By the way, I’ve followed Yo’s career when he was famously known as the #1 Entertainment reporter on several media outlets like “The Insider,” “Extra,” “E! News” as well as guest co-hosting CBS “The Talk” and “The Wendy Williams Show.” He was also featured in last season’s Quarter Finals of  America’s Got Talent.  Plus, he hosts an awesome YouTube / Podcast Channel highlighting one of my favorite comedy interviews with Filipino sensation Jo Koy. In addition, Yo is a proud blasian or specifically described as the “half-black brother with a Korean Mother.”

So I sat in the front row with one of my good friends, CEO of Skincando, Inc. it was both our first time visiting the Comedy Loft which is located near the delightful Dupont Circle at 1523 22nd Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037. We ordered the savory hummus veggie platter, a couple of drinks, and delicious peanut butter and chocolate pies for Sara’s birthday desserts. Special shout-out kudos on the friendly Comedy Loft wait staff.

Now back to the TRRevue…to start off Comedian Luis (a former dishwasher from Arizona) hyped up the sold-out crowd with jokes about his first time visiting Washington, DC, his ethnic background, and his friends’ prison experiences, etc. Next up sassy white-boy Southerner Derrick who attacked the microphone with frustrations about DC airport locations, Uber drivers, riding bicycles and hiking tips, pandemic crock pot sex advice, hot sauces, etc. I really enjoyed his delivery.

Finally, the marvelous Michael Yo took a quick audience survey on the age groups (think 40s vs 20s). Clearly, the 40s and older group were the majority as one 26 year old named Robert got schooled on real life lessons by Yo. My overall favorite parts of his comedy set was when he told stories about his family including his “true” Korean mom, Panda kids, or how he seriously almost died from Covid19 but how the medical doctors honestly used him as a guinea pig and he became “hand santizer!” LOL 🙂

In conclusion, I was so impressed with his performance that I even bought two Yo Panda shirts after his show. Overall, he is still very humble and gracious to all his fans by taking photos at his merchandise table. So if you can, buy tickets for his last two DC Saturday shows starting at 7:30pm. Just follow this link more details The Comedy Loft of DC | Michael Yo (dccomedyloft.com)

I give the Yo show an A rating!


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