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Markette Smith named Top 10 Finalist on “LIVE! with Kelly” Now we need your vote to send her to New York where the Top 5 will compete!

It Happened Quickly:

  • On Tue., July 3: Markette was chosen out of thousands as a “Top 25” finalist.
  • On Wed., July 4: Markette mobilized a team of supporters and launched a “Social Media Blitz.” The team leveraged a network of friends, family and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn to encourage people to leave a comment on the “LIVE! with Kelly” cohost page telling Kelly Ripa to “Choose Markette.” The results were phenomenal and people from all over the U.S.A. showed their support.
  • On Mon., July 9: Markette was named a Top 10 finalist in the “LIVE! with Kelly” Coast-to-Coast Cohost Search!

It’s up to America!  AMERICA’s votes will decide who will make it to the Top 5. Voting takes place NOW through Wednesday at 3pm. PLEASE VOTE ONE TIME PER DAY BETWEEN NOW AND WEDNESDAY AT 3PM EST. The five finalists with the most votes will then travel to New York City where they will compete for a chance to cohost an entire episode of “LIVE! with Kelly” on Tuesday, July 24. This also just happens to be Markette’s BIRTHDAY!   Please help to make this a birthday Markette will never forget.

Cast your vote and become a part of the team working to make her dream of becoming a television host a reality!   Click the following link to cast your vote: www.LivewithKelly.tv    Please share and Tweet this message with your friends:  #VOTE 4 @super_markette! Finalist in @LiveKelly #cohostsearch. TEAM #KellyandMarkette www.livewithkelly.tv Plz RT

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