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An Inspiring Handbook for Intrapersonal Healing and Fuel to Create Justice and Peace in the World

“We are in a moment when our collective action is needed now-now! We are called to rise to meet this moment of despair with courage, compassion, and resilience. The destructive forces of caste, greed, and thirst for power are waging a violent revolution right now.”  – Dr. Paul Zeitz

In Revolutionary Optimism, Dr. Paul Zeitz, a seasoned global public health advocate and justice entrepreneur, provides 7 steps for living as a love-centered activist. To my knowledge, this book is a first of its kind providing practical resources for the inner work needed to heal from living in a caste-based democracy along with tools to transform apathy, rage, and conflict into peace through collective love-based action.

Revolutionary Optimism provides “prescriptions and practices” to fuel our inner healing. This inner healing, in turn, emanates from us, and into the world around us. It offers us rituals to aid us when we need to rest, recalibrate, and re-imagine our strategies and way forward to heal, repair, and create justice and peace in our communities.

7 Unifying Steps

In each of the 44 chapters of Revolutionary Optimism, readers will find hard-fought pearls of wisdom offered from Dr. Zeitz’s own lived experiences as a preventive medicine physician, epidemiologist, and tenacious award-winning champion for global justice and human rights.

I find that each chapter can stand-alone and be as impactful as the whole. Each chapter gifts the reader the encouragement needed on any given day to ‘keep on keeping on’ in spite of the moral blight we see around ourselves or the next iteration of doom we stream in the latest news cycle.

In 7 steps, Revolutionary Optimism provides the antidote to whatever barrier or challenge we might be facing in our day-to-day lives. It prompts us to place love at the center of how we process and respond to ourselves and to others.

The first 3 steps focus on self-liberation. The fourth step is the heartbeat – offerings of tools to help us craft peace through listening and responding to conflict and differences in love-centered ways. The last 3 steps are the love force – bridging consciousness of our personal transformation to collective impact in order to #unify movements.

Who is it for?

This book is especially helpful for social justice advocates and people engaged in various social movements in need of spiritual renewal. This book empowers and can help you feel less alone and isolated in your movement building efforts. This book increases your sense belonging to other movement builders and facilitates connectedness.

How to get started?

In summation, Revolutionary Optimism is a must-have for all idealists, community organizers, healers, and those who care about the soul of world. Order your copy today and be sure to get the companion journal and workbook. You can also sign up for Dr. Paul Zeitz’s newsletter to learn about current action opportunities, book updates, and the Revolutionary Optimism podcast updates on his website: at https://drpaulzeitz.org/.


Revolutionary Optimism: 7 Steps for Living as a Love-Centered Activist – NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon or wherever books are sold

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